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GET READY FOR the retrofit revolution

A £17bn South London opportunity

Illustration demonstrating Net Zero 2030

We are committed to supporting the London goal of reaching Net Zero by 2030

Illustration demonstrating high valued skilled green jobs

We are committed to creating a high-value skilled green jobs sector contributing to a stronger sustainable economy that benefits us all

Illustration demonstrating decarbonisation of homes

We are committed to the decarbonisation of over half a millions homes

Illustration demonstrating Net Zero 2030

We are committed to supporting the London goal of reaching Net Zero by 2030

Illustration demonstrating high valued skilled green jobs

We are committed to creating a high-value skilled green jobs sector contributing to a stronger sustainable economy that benefits us all

Illustration demonstrating decarbonisation of homes

We are committed to the decarbonisation of over half a millions homes

Illustration demonstrating Net Zero 2030

We are committed to supporting the London goal of reaching Net Zero by 2030

Illustration demonstrating high valued skilled green jobs

We are committed to creating a high-value skilled green jobs sector contributing to a stronger sustainable economy that benefits us all

Illustration demonstrating decarbonisation of homes

We are committed to the decarbonisation of over half a millions homes

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South London has 635,000 properties to make more energy efficient over the next 10 years, representing a £17bn opportunity of high value jobs. There is a lot of work to be done to maximise this potential and we need to enable our workforce to upskill, secure a competitive advantage and meet the demand now.

We’ve brought together all of the information you need to start your retrofit skills journey, debunking PAS 2035, and signposting you to the right qualifications to gear up and get ready for the retrofit revolution.